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Streamer Review: Zakeroph

Over December I took quite a long break from writing and reviewing to spend more time with my family and to refresh my brain before 2020 hit. All that time though I didn’t stop playing games and watching streamers. I had a really great time! Being able to focus on what I wanted to and explore so many new streams was really exciting.

It was Christmas morning when I found Zakeroph’s stream, and he was a streamer that grabbed my attention immediately! Part of the reason I instantly loved what Zak was doing was because I saw him attempting to complete Mass Effect 1-3 in only 12 hours!! That would have been insane!! As soon as I saw him begin this challenge I knew we were going to be great friends! Unfortunately he didn’t try to romance my favorite calibration specialist during his playthrough… how dare he!?!

From the moment I joined Zakeroph’s stream I noticed he had a funny greeting for each new follower (with a bonus odd accent!!) to make everyone in the stream laugh. And that’s what I’ve noticed more and more as I’ve continued watching Zak’s streams. He really is making a great effort at actually entertaining his audience! I know that every time I join one of his streams that I will be in for an evening of laughs and giggles as he plays through his games.

As I watched Zak’s streams throughout December and into the new decade I noticed that he is very genuine and is always himself. There is no doubt he is very comfortable in what he does, who he is and the things he loves!

Proof of this was from one of his most recent streams where he didn’t play any games and had a very casual stream where he built one of his Mobile Suit Gundam Wing models and just chatted about his day with his viewers. It’s really nice to catch a glimpse into the lives of others and being able to interact with Zak on such a personal level like that through his stream really made me and his other viewers feel really at home :)

Recently I’ve watched Zak play Dead by Daylight and I think it’s quickly becoming his new favorite game! He really seems to enjoy sneaking up on and killing everyone… just please try and avoid me in the game. I can’t cope with how scary it can be when there’s a surprise attack! Which he is apparently really good at doing!! 

In the five or so days since he bought the game he has put in some crazy hours into playing it and he has already proven he is really skillful. So if you ever happen to see Zakeroph’s name as the villain you can be sure he’s going to take you down by any means necessary!  

Being such an open and genuine person we get to see Zak not only when he’s had a good day but also on the day’s where he hasn’t had a great time. Despite this though, he will somehow always manage to turn it into a positive and end the day on a high! I really wish that someday I can become as incredibly positive as that! It truly is incredible how you manage to do it Zak!! I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants you to teach me your ways of self improvement!

So what can you expect if you drop into Zak’s streams? Quite simply you can expect to have a great time and be entertained every single time!! Watching this streamer grow and interact with his viewers is genuinely heartwarming and easily one of the best ways to relax after a long day. Watching him play games, build models and chat away with his positive, self assured and nerdy nature is a real treat! 

Drawing by Geoff Munn

I really can’t wait to see what Zak gets up to in the near future and what kind of games and challenges he will attempt next!


Lots of Love

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