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Diving 16 years into the past with Bioshock A Decade Underwater

Let’s take a trip back 16 years to when Bioshock first debuted. This game shook up the gaming scene by blending compelling storytelling, deep themes, and innovative gameplay in the first-person shooter genre. It stood out for its captivating narrative and groundbreaking mechanics.

Last year I got gifted the complete addition of Bioshock and honestly, the game has just been sitting in my library gathering dust and aging more.
November I decided that I would be diving into the deep blue sea and discovering The World of Rapture…

Both games unfold in Rapture, an underwater city envisioned by Andrew Ryan, inspired by Ayn Rand’s ideas. Ryan aimed for Rapture to be a perfect society free from rules. However, something goes terribly wrong when ADAM, a substance granting extraordinary powers but causing mental instability, was found.
This discovery led Rapture down a path of chaos, destruction, violence, and death…far from what Ryan envisioned.

Along with the world of Rapture, we meet Big Daddies the heavily armored protectors, genetically enhanced and bonded to Little Sisters, young girls who harvest ADAM from corpses in Rapture.
Big Daddies are huge, scary-looking beings wearing diving suits. They fiercely protect the Little Sisters, forming a strong and eerie team that always sticks together.
Despite their scary-looking appearance, the protectors have a tender side when interacting with the Little Sisters, showcasing a unique bond in the midst of Rapture’s turmoil.


In 2007, the first “Bioshock” throws players into Rapture, where they step into the shoes of Jack, the sole survivor of a plane crash who stumbles upon the city’s entrance in the ocean’s depths.
While delving into Rapture, Jack discovers its troubled past and faces off against genetically modified enemies known as Splicers. Along with the Splicers, he also encounters the protectors/guardians known as Big Daddies, adding layers of difficulty to his survival through the city’s dark secrets.

The story isn’t just about action; It challenges players with “moral puzzles” and vividly portrays the consequences of unchecked scientific progress.
Introducing plasmids, which are genetic modifications, that grant players the ability to blend various powers and weapons, offering a lot more freedom and creativity in combat scenarios.

Bioshock 2

“Bioshock 2,” released in 2010, shifts the perspective to that of the Big Daddy named, Subject Delta.
In the sequel, the story of Rapture goes even deeper. It brings in Sofia Lamb as a new enemy. Her ideas about cooperation clash with Andrew Ryan’s focus on independence adding a whole new layer of conflict to the story.

Taking on the role of a Big Daddy changes the gameplay, and highlights a new combat approach and a deeper meaning and bond with the iconic guardians of Little Sisters. Throughout both games, players face ongoing moral choices regarding the Little Sisters’ welfare. These decisions directly shape the story and determine the ending of each game.
The choice between saving or harvesting these girls becomes somewhat challenging, challenging players to confront and consider their values throughout the entirety of the two games.

Interestingly, when I first played Bioshock, it struck a familiar chord, a similar feel to Dishonored, even though Dishonored was released later. I sense a shared game style between them, leading me to believe that the developers of Dishonored might have drawn inspiration from the distinctive vibes of Bioshock.

Experiencing both Bioshock games for the first time and swiftly moving on to Bioshock Infinite, I find myself captivated by the saga. It quickly secured a spot among my top 5 video games of all time.

“Bioshock” and “Bioshock 2” continue to be celebrated among many fans and is a prime example of narrative-driven gaming, leaving a lasting legacy on the industry. 

16 years later and I highly recommend Bioshock to anyone who has been sitting on the fence with this game.

Now… “Would you kindly”…Take a leap of faith and dive into the unknown depths of Rapture.

Lots of Love

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